In an Asia Cup 2023 encounter between India and Nepal filled with enthusiasm and fervent support from fans, former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir found himself at the centre of a controversy. A video circulating on social media captured the moment when Gambhir seemingly showed a middle finger to fans chanting “Kohli… Kohli.”
The Asia Cup 2023 has been marked by intense competition and passionate supporters, with fans enthusiastically cheering for their favourite players. However, the incident involving Gambhir, who is a part of the Asia Cup 2023 commentary panel for Star Sports, has raised eyebrows and sparked a debate on sportsmanship and player-fan interactions.
Here’s the video:
Kohli is such a unique personality. People from other countries come to hug him, but his own countrymen show middle
— Sagar (@sagarcasm) September 4, 2023
In the video, as fans can be heard chanting “Kohli… Kohli” in support of former Indian captain Virat Kohli, Gambhir – who was present at the venue – reacted by showing a middle finger to the crowd.
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The gesture has quickly gained attention on social media platforms, where fans and cricket enthusiasts are sharing their opinions and reactions.
From Kohli Kohli chants in all the matches of LSG across country to now at Sri Lanka. Gautam Gambhir is clearly rattled and does inappropriate gesture to the crowd. Disgraceful!
— Pari (@BluntIndianGal) September 4, 2023
GAUTAM Gambhir Showed middle finger to kohli – kohli chants!🥵
— ᴘʀᴀᴛʜᴍᴇsʜ⁴⁵ (@45Fan_Prathmesh) September 4, 2023
Gambhir, known for his fiery on-field demeanour during his playing days, has often been a vocal critic of certain aspects of the game. However, this incident has surprised many, as it seemingly goes against the spirit of sportsmanship and respect for fellow players.
As the video continues to circulate, it remains to be seen whether there will be any official response or clarification from Gambhir or tournament authorities regarding the incident.
Also WATCH: Ravindra Jadeja strikes thrice after Nepal openers stun India – Asia Cup 2023
India bowl out Nepal for 230
In the fifth match of the 2023 Asia Cup at the Pallekele International Cricket Stadium, India successfully dismissed Nepal for a total of 230 runs. Initially, Nepal made a promising beginning, but the Indian bowlers triggered a batting collapse.
Both all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja and pacer Mohammed Siraj made significant contributions, each claiming three wickets during the Nepal innings. Notably, Aasif Sheikh was the sole half-centurion for Nepal, while Sompal Kami played a vital role with 48 runs from 56 deliveries towards the conclusion of first innings.
#WATCH #Gautam #Gambhir #shows #middle #finger #fans #chanting #Kohli #Kohli #Asia #Cup