India’s young batting sensation Rinku Singh was handed his maiden debut cap on Friday, August 19. The India debut for Rinku came against Ireland during the first T20I of the three-match series at The Village. However, the Uttar Pradesh cricketer didn’t get the chance to show his batting prowess as the match was halted due to the rain, and India were eventually declared the winner through Duckworth-Lewis Method (DLS).
Following the match, Rinku reflected on his arduous journey and the struggle his family faced to see him represent India. It is worth mentioning that Rinku comes from a very humble family background and earned himself a maiden call-up to the Indian team through his sheer hard work and determination. The Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) batter had a brilliant outing in the recently concluded Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023, amassing impressive 474 runs in 14 matches.
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Rinku shares insight into his family’s struggles:
Speaking to Jio Cinema after the first T20I against Ireland, Rinku shed light on the role of his family behind his success and revealed how his mother used to borrow money from others so that he could pursue his dream. He also discussed his mindset for future games and stated that he’s determined to continue his form.
“I have seen my family face financial struggles and I wanted to help them overcome through cricket. That desire to get them out of the grind kept me going. It kept me motivated to work hard and keep up my efforts. My family had a massive role in my journey to date. When they didn’t have enough to fund my career, my mother borrowed money from others to keep me going. Where I am today is because of the support I have got from them,” said Rinku.
“The efforts are the same to be honest, but the pressure is a little more. The intention is to continue to do things the same way I did during the IPL, keep my calm during batting and focus on the role I have in the team,” he added.
Coming back to the India tour of Ireland 2023, the Men in Blue now lead the series (1-0), and the two teams will next face each other on Sunday (August 20) at the same venue.
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